For Healing
Peace of Mind
and to make the world a better place for you and for me and for all of us
Rev. John W. Adams

Why We Are Here
WE ARE here on Mother Earth to learn and grow, to be loving, kind, and compassionate, to realize harmony and real inner peace. We are here to L L L: Live Life Lovingly. AND, to help each other, as well.
L L L is the golden key to individual and world peace. It is essential to our personal health and wholeness, our peace of mind, and to living a truly beautiful and fulfilling life.
Most Important – Love
Emmet Fox, renown Divine Science minister and author of many books, said: Love is by far the most important thing of all. It is time for humankind to learn this Truth and to really put Love first and foremost. Golden Key Ministry-Unity, particularly LiveLifeLovingly.org is devoted to leading the way. You are invited to join with us.
Wisdom is important and so are intelligence, life, strength, happiness, and peace. All of these spring from Love, their true substance.
We Are One
We are all one, connected to each other. What we do for ourselves, we do for others. It is essential for us to love ourselves as the magnificent beings we are, to treat ourselves lovingly so we can do the same for everyone else.
Love in Divine Mind is the idea of Universal Unity. – Charles Fillmore
Our Goal
Dr. Brian Weiss, author of Only Love is Real, and several other books, wrote:
Our goal in life is not to be a best-selling author, to have a financially lucrative career, or to be a star. It is to be a more loving and compassionate person.
LiveLifeLovingly.org is Love at its finest vibration. Enjoy and be inspired by the abundance of Love Articles, Affirmations & Daily Inspirations + Love Bites & Books lovingly prepared and provided for you. Visit daily. Invite family and friends to be inspired, too. Every day in every way, let’s all L L L – Live Life Lovingly! – Lovingly, Rev. John W. Adams
L L L Articles
Stories of inspiration, uplifting ideas, and love
L L L Affirmations
Choose a statement to live by today
L L L love Bytes
Quotes for living a life of Love

We are here to be
the Love that we are
and to Live Life Lovingly
Today’s Love Inspiration
TODAY’S LOVE INSPIRATION is lovingly provided to stimulate the activity of Divine Love in you, empower you to more easily love unconditionally, be what you are, and to Live Life Lovingly. Speak the Positive Prayer several times. Take it into the Silence and meditate upon it. Do not try to make something happen. Rather, let Love have its way and enjoy the wonderful changes in you and in your life! Kindly write and tell me what is happening. I love to hear good news! – Lovingly, Rev. John Adams
The Highest Force For Good
LOVE is positively the highest force for good in people's lives and in the world. Love is your personal golden key to peace of mind, health, happiness, success and prosperity. Miracles, too!
There is nothing wrong with ourselves or the world that enough love won't heal and make right. Do not, for one moment, underestimate the positive energy of unconditional love.
For just a little while, imagine if you will, what we and our world would be like if instead of hating or resenting, instead of criticizing and condemning, and instead of holding on to hurts and resentments, we would forgive and release and allowed ourselves to truly love unconditionally.
Positive Prayer: Today I love as God loves, unconditionally.
Divine Love Prayer-Treatment by Dr. Emmet Fox
Prayer-Treatment is Scientific Prayer. Praying scientifically is the most effective way to pray. By combining Prayer-Treatment with Divine Love, you unleash dynamic healing, life-changing energy.
Join our mailing list and we will send you a free copy of Divine Love Prayer-Treatment. Click below to order your Divine Love Prayer-Treatment. After joining our email list, we will do everything possible to keep your information private.