“Beloved, let us love one another; for love is of God.” – I John 4:7
The secret of meeting life in a confident, peaceful and happy way is to realize the truth that God is love and then to look lovingly at life. When you look lovingly at life it is so much easier to Live Life Lovingly.
When your thoughts are loving you are not misled by appearances. You see the good in every person and situation and you recognize the good you may have overlooked. This is doing as Jesus instructed in John 7:24: “Judge not by the appearance, but be right in your judgment.”
When you judge, if you must, you are always right when you look with the eyes of love beyond what you may be seeing with your physical eyes at the moment. This is especially true when the appearance would speak otherwise to your mind.
Appearances Are Not Real
Remember, appearances do not report Truth to you. Appearances are only that – appearances. They are not real. You must look beyond appearances to the Truth or reality of that which appears. In doing this, you are able to judge rightly because you are seeing with your spiritual vision and are not limited by physical vision.
When you judge rightly, you are seeing only that which is good, that which is right. In a way, it is beholding the Christ in another because that is what you see in yourself. It is seeing the abundance of God in appearances of lack, and knowing that only good is within every thing and situation.
The Truth is That Fear Keeps You in Bondage
Fear Keeps You Limited. Love Frees You From Bondage and Makes You Unlimited
Love frees you from fear and limitations; it gives you strength, courage, and inspiration. Love heals inharmonies. Dr. Emmet Fox expressed this so well in his treatise on love, The Golden Gate. He said that love would get you out of any difficulty on the face of the earth when a sufficient realization of love was made.
To the degree that you fear, you do not love. And the less you love, the more troublesome is your life. Fear is the cause of most difficulties. To have a fearful heart means you have not established the conscious “divine connection” between you and God within. (See “Divine Connection” in my book, Power Words for Prosperous Living
In truth, as a spiritual being you can never be separate from God except in consciousness. It is wise, then, to do all you can to establish your conscious “divine connection” with God and maintain it.
God is infinite love that is never-ending and all-encompassing. God as love is always within you as your ever-present help, the fulfillment of everything you could possibly desire.
As I have said, in love there is no limitation. If you believe yourself to be limited in some way, it is because you have not yet gained a sufficient realization of love, especially God as love.
Love Is What You Are
Expand your consciousness of love, that you are love, and you will automatically expand your realization of the vastness of God and His infinite possibilities for you, and the probability of your desired good manifesting itself in your life.
Accepting God in you as infinite love enables you to feel worthy and deserving of the very best – in abundance! This is the best thing for erasing any feelings of, or beliefs in, limitation, and subsequently opens new doors of expanded rich blessings for you.
When you do all things in love you are relaxed and at ease, free from stress and tension. You feel blessed and at peace. You feel in harmony with the Universe because that is the nature of love. While fear breeds anxiety and worry, love creates a consciousness and environment of harmony and peace.
Love Prospers You!
Love is true prospering energy. It will prosper you when all else fails. But do not wait to fail. Invoke the mighty prospering energy of love now. If your way has been difficulty; if success has been hard to come by, examine your thoughts and feelings and determine how high or how low your love quotient is.
Do you love yourself, and other people, unconditionally? Do you experience difficulty in being successful and prosperous? It may be time for you to re-arrange your priorities and put love first. As Emmet Fox said, “Love is by far the most important thing of all.” Unfortunately, too often people will put it way down on the list, or at least not give it the full importance that it deserves.
A young man, who had experienced more than his share of difficulty getting along with other people, did not love himself, and suffered from financial lack, decided to put love to the test. He made it the most important thing as he invited Love to be consciously alive in his whole being. He began to meditate on Divine Love, inviting it to transform him. The result was like a miracle! Not only did his thinking change, but the way he felt about himself, other people, life and the world. No longer was he lonely, depressed, unhappy, or had to work very hard to be successful.
The very best thing you can do to make everything more pleasant and easy, is to focus on Love. What do you have to lose except some hard, unyielding conditions of mind, body, or life? I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to make love the most important thing in your life.
When you sincerely put love to the test, it will never fail you. The only failure comes in not doing so. Yes, love will prosper you more easily than you could possibly imagine. That is because love is a magnet that irresistibly attracts the wealth of the Universe to you.
Love Creates Understanding Among People
Love creates a mutual bond with all people. No longer do you feel at odds with others. You may not always agree with other people, and some may prove to be very challenging to you, but through love there is no anger or resentment.
Through love, it is easier to understand other people, and to feel free regardless of what they may say or do. It is easier to get along with other people who may have been a challenge to you before.
As you invite the love that God is to express itself through you, this love flows out from you as a blessing to those around you – even to people you may not know, and who may be miles away. They are, however, sure to be better because of what you are: Divine Love in expression.
Love Makes You an Irresistible Magnet
As you consciously let the mighty positive energy of love radiate from you as it flows through you, it makes of you an irresistible magnet that draws the right people and experiences and substance to you. Needless to say, to love is the highest and best thing you can do.
Being a free and open channel for divine love is very beneficial. As you allow yourself to be that channel, you Live Life Loving. The love of God shines through your eyes, speaks through your voice, is a real part of you, and motivates your every action. You have more strength and energy, and you are divinely irresistible. Your whole being is positively alive with new vitality!
Love Is Mightier Than Military Might
What the world needs is not more love, but more people who love, and accept that they are: Love. In my book, “BE What You Are: LOVE,” I wrote: “Love is positively the very best and highest force for good in people’s lives and the world. Love is your personal golden key to peace of mind, health, happiness, success and prosperity, and miracles! There is nothing wrong with us or the world that enough love won’t heal and make right.
Love Is Mightier Than Military Might
“Do not underestimate the positive energy of love. I believe with all my heart that if we could love enough we would see an end to war. War is never the answer, and has never really solved anything. All the military might in the world cannot stand against the power of love – Divine Love – expressed by people who know its value and invoke its power. A beautiful example of this is Mahatma Ghandi who carried on a peaceful rebellion against the whole British Empire until his country was free.”
Leaders in Loving
What our nation, and the world, need now are men and woman who are leaders in loving. This includes you and me, but especially people in national leadership positions who know the power of love and are fearless in expressing it. By example, are leading others in doing the same. People such as these, because of their love-enlightenment, know that war and violence is obsolete; never the answer, and therefore, through love, discover the way of peaceful and harmonious settling of national and world differences. Yes, they will be leaders in loving because they obviously Live Life Lovingly.
Teilhard De Chardin said, “Some day, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we will harness for God the energies of Love: and for the second time in the history of the world man will have discovered fire!” From my book, Positively Alive!