by Rev. John W. Adams
BE What You Are: LOVE
This book teaches you to experience true health and happiness, peace and prosperity, and miracles!
It gives you the Golden Key to being free from fear, to make your life worthwhile, and your dreams come true.
The truths and inspiration in this book will lift your spirits and put real substance under your quest to live life lovingly and free – to be what you truly are!
$4.99 Digital eBook
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Divine Love Plan
This is a Love-Powered, Life-changing book. It contains 52 weekly Divine Love Inspirations for creating a life of Love, Health, Happiness, Peace and Prosperity. The inspirations in this book were first presented as special e-mail articles to a large number of Rev. John’s Positive Living e-Zine Subscribers.
Divine Love is the highest frequency of the Law of Attraction. The intention of this book is to empower you to be fully centered in Divine Love so that your heart’s desires are more easily fulfilled. Available in Digital and Paperback.
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